Then it failed again, because the new pump was too much for the old belt. Later, it failed and the fixed the pump,but not the belts. "I had taken it in to the dealership because it was making a weird noise, they told me it was just the cold temperatures. "Power steering pump replaced for the second time" It handles much better at low speeds now. The Service Manager at the Honda dealership noticed it and informed us. "The pump had worn out and we (drivers) didn't even realize it, the van still handled well. "hard to turn at low speeds, was recalled" Does better if you switch gear to neutral a& raise RPM's" It takes the upper body strength of Arnold Schwarzenegger to turn into a parking stall. "pump does not operate well at low speeds. "Power Steering pump was replaced under warranty and is failing again"

The second wasn't covered because we didn't have it repaired by a Honda dealer" "The Power Steering Pump was replaced under warranty, and it is acting up again" "Steering hard to turn, defect in the make and year and dealer would not honor replacement, had to pay for fix ourselves"

When the fluid gets foamy, the power steering doesn't function" "The power steering system leaks when hot, allowing air to mix with fluid. "Have had pump replaced on warrantee two times so far" "Loud noises from the steering system when steering at slow speeds in cold weather" The pump had gone and metal had wrecked the entire system. "The power steering suddenly stopped working. along with having to replace the filter in the line" "Pump had to be replaced because of a leak in the power steering line. "at slow speed the power steering did not work" Replaced the pump for the second time in two years this spring." "The power steering system in this van is a repeat problem. "Honda extended the power steering pump, but mine failed after the extended warranty." I had to 3 (or 4 sometimes) point leaving parking spots." "Turning at parking lot speeds was so difficult it was like not having power steering and I was glad I was a strong male. "Power steering started to not work well" "Power steering does not provide adequate assist at low speed in a parking lot making it very hard to turn the wheel" Service Tech replaced the pump and changed the fluid." "A significant whine developed in the power steering pump. "Pump had to be replaced due to hard steering during slow speeds" "replace leaking pump and associated tubing" had it replaced once before but refuse to pay for it again" "Car started making noise-dealer noticed small leak in power steering. "Hose started leaking, leading to having to replace pump and filter" Mechanic told us to watch the fluid level and add fluid when necessary" "Slow leak that they attribute to the hoses" This action is probably due to a small leak." "I have to add power steering fluid about once every other month. Honda gave me a $350 Honda gift card as an accomodation" Very early for a car with used for low mileage daily drives to school and errands on well paved roads. "needed to replace front bushings at around 65000 miles. "I have complained numerous times about this car pulling to the right, however the dealership consistently says there is no issue"