Father, I separate my children fro every ungodly influence in Jesus nameġ0. Father, lead not my children into temptation but deliver them from all evil in Jesus nameĩ. Use my children mightily for your great purpose in Jesus nameĨ. Father, arrest them as your arrested Saul who is known as paul in Jesus name.ħ. Father, let your wisdom rest upon my Children in the name of JesusĦ.

Father, Let the angel of the Lord always protect my children from danger in Jesus nameĥ. Father, order the steps of all my children to the right direction in life in Jesus nameĤ. Father, I cover my children by the blood of Jesusģ. They will not be deceived by the Devil, instead they will find themselves in God.I encourage you to pray this prayer by faith, and expect a miracle as you pray in Jesus name.Ģ. As we engage in this prayers, our children will not be victims of peer pressure. As we pray for them the holy spirit will empower them to say no to evil and a!ways say yes to Jesus. It will help them overcome sins that control the children of their age. This prayer points for our children’s protection and deliverance will destroy every plots of the enemy to lead our children astray. We as parents must recognize that we are not capable of changing our children by our own power,we need the interventions of God in the life of our children and the only way to get Gods attention is to pray. A lot of children join the bandwagon of sin as the grow into teenagers and young adults. The evil in the world today is at its peak, and the target is the younger generation. We must always commit our children to the Lord continually as the grow up in this last days.

Our children needs our prayers now more than ever. As parents, the importance of praying for the protection of our children can never be overemphasized. Today we are looking at 30 prayer points for our children’s protection and deliverance. Amen.10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. These I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Through your Mercy and Grace, I will live a normal life, i will praise You i will be happy, i will be strong, I will go under the process of the best medication you will give me. I will hold-on to you, and if my hands slip, please hold me tight God. I will not give up because i know you are with me. Lord Jesus, please heal me the same way you have healed many people during your time in Jerusalem when you came down on earth. God, to YOU i surrender my life, i leave my sickness to you. Please bless and guide the doctors who will look after me, show them God the medication I need to be well, please bless the people who will be around me during the healing process. I admit that I was not a good wife, not a good mother to my kids and most of the time not good as individual but in my heart i love my family, kids very much that i wanted to be with them for a very long time. Above anything, above anyone, it is ONLY YOU who can cure me of my sickness and make my life longer for my loved ones, my family, my kids. You are the giver of life and in your time, it is only YOU who can take it back. Thank You, Father, in Jesus' name I pray,įather in Heaven, thank you for the strength you gave me in accepting one of the saddest news in my life - positive for cancer. Please direct me in the way that I should go at this difficult time in my life.

Please God, I ask for Your healing touch on my life, and pray that You would bring to my attention the treatment that is best suited for my condition.
#Pray for healing and protection full
I believe that You know exactly what I need to bring me back to full health and strength and I am trusting You in this time of illness in my life. I am not sure what to do, but I know that You understand everything about me. I come to You today because my health has been deteriorating with some ailment that has not been diagnosed. I believe that You care for each one of us with a perfect and holy love. I believe that You make all things work together for the good of us that love You. In Your sovereignty, You are not surprised by anything that happens to any of Your children. Heavenly Father, I know that my times are in Your hands and I also believe that You care about everything in my life.