The tension in the luff of a sail is a balance between the ha'lyard, pulling upward, and either a kicking strap or a tackline (or both), pulling downward. The upper forward corner of a four-sided sail is the throat. The forward lower corner of a sail is the tack, the after lower corner is the clew. The top edge of a four sided sail, the head, is usually attached to a gaff or a yard. The bottom, more or less horizontal, edge of the sail is the foot. The forward, more or less vertical, edge of a sail is the luff, the after edge is the leech*. The angle of the sail to the wind is controlled by a sheet (line). N A sheet of flexible material used by a sailing vessel to convert the movement of the wind into motive force to drive the vessel through the water.Ī sail is raised into position by a ha'lyard and (sometimes) brought down by a downhaul.

Safe harbour, Safe water mark, Sagging, Sail, Sail loft, Sailor, Sail plan, Samson post, Sand, Sandwaves, SAR, SatNav, Scaffie, Scandalise, Scantlings, Scharnow turn, Schooner, Scope, Screw, SCUBA, Scull, Scupper, Scuttle, Scuttle butt, Sea, Sea anchor, Sea bed, Sea boots, Sea chest, Seam, Sea state, Seasickness, Seaworthy, Sectored light, Seize, Sennet whip, Sentinel, Serve, Set, Settee, Sextant, Shallop, Shackle, Sheathing, Sheave, Sheer, Sheet, Ship, Shoal, Shoal draught, Shore, Shoulder of mutton, Shroud, Sic, Sidewheel, Sink, Skaffie, Skeg, Skiff, Skipper, Skyscraper, Slack water, Slate, Sling, Slipway, Slivit board, Sloop, Slush, Slush fund, Smack, Snotter, Snow, Soft eye, Soft shackle, SOG, SOLAS, Sole, SONAR, Sound, Sounder, Sounding the deep, South, Sou'wester, Spanker, Spar, Special mark, Spider band, Spinnaker, Spirit room, Splice, Splice the mainbrace, Split lug, Sponson, Spray, Spreader, Spring, Sprit, Spritsail, Squall, Square, Square meal, Square-rigged, Squared away, SS, SV, Stability, Staff, Stain, Stall, Stanchion, Standard port, Standing lug, Standing rigging, Stand on, Starboard, Starter, Stay, Staysail, Steaming light, Stem, Step, Stern, Stern post, Sternway, Stitch and glue, Stiff, Storm, Stow, Stowaway, Straight, Strake, Stream, Stretcher, Strike, Strip plank, Studding sail, STV, Submarine, Surge, Sway, Sweep, Swell, Swim, Swing, Swinging circle, Swing the compass, Swinging the lead, Synoptic chart